OPC 10000-100 Devices


This part of the OPC UA specification defines the information model associated with Devices. This specification describes three models which build upon each other as follows:
• The (base) Device Model is intended to provide a unified view of devices and their hardware and software parts irrespective of the underlying device protocols.
• The Device Communication Model adds Network and Connection information elements so that communication topologies can be created.
• The Device Integration Host Model finally adds additional elements and rules required for host systems to manage integration for a complete system. It allows reflecting the topology of the automation system with the devices as well as the connecting communication networks.

Working Group Unified Architecture Basic Devices Model - DI
Document Type Specification
Editor(s) Karl Deiretsbacher
License Specifications
Issue Tracking Mantis Project - OPC 10000-100
Access Level Registered
Namespace http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/
Version Status Date
Release 2022-11-03
Topics: Operation Counters Lifetime Model
Release 2022-01-15
Release 2020-01-02
Release 2013-01-25
Release 2009-01-19