Test Tools

OPC Classic Client Analyzer Title: OPC Classic Client Analyzer Description:

A single test tool for testing OPC Classic Data Access Clients.


This download includes:


  • The test tool
  • Product documentation


Learn how to use this tool with this Tutorial.


The UA Compliance Test Tool is exclusively for active OPC Foundation Corporate Members only and cannot be redistributed outside of the members' organization.


License: OPC Compliance Test Tool Agreement of Use


OPC Foundation membership fees are used by the OPC Foundation for the continuous improvement of this application, which includes bug-fixes and adding new features as required by the continuous advancement of the OPC Specifications.


Found a bug? Please report any bugs to our Mantis system. Click the "Tracking" tab for a list of current work items. We welcome your bug-fixes and kindly ask you to submit them via Mantis.


Have a Suggestion / Request for enhancement / New Features? Please Join an OPC Foundation Member Working Group (details may be found here). You may also submit requests to the OPC Foundation email address of. All suggestions become the property of the OPC Foundation.



  • Bug-fixes; if any are reported.

Activities including bug-fixes and feature requests as reported in our Mantis bug-tracking system as described here.



Access: Corporate Member
Version Status Description Date Posted
1.04.1020 Release Windows Installer Icon
Version Status Description Date Posted

Deprecated: The PSR-0 `Requests_...` class names in the Requests library are deprecated. Switch to the PSR-4 `WpOrg\Requests\...` class names at your earliest convenience. in /nas/content/live/opcfjapan/wp-includes/class-requests.php on line 24