Rensen Information Services Limited

Designated Representative: Juergen Rensen
Category: Corporate Member

Rensen Information Services has been involved in OPC development since its incorporation in 1999 with the objective to provide OPC data integration software that is affordable, easy to use and yet powerful and flexible.


  • Rensen Information Services Ltd
  • Private Box 303 037
  • North Harbour
  • Auckland, 0751
  • New Zealand


Company Products

Title Description
Dataristix Dataristix™ is a suite of software modules connecting on-p...
Rensen OPC Office Link OPC Office Link connects OPC servers with office application...



Deprecated: The PSR-0 `Requests_...` class names in the Requests library are deprecated. Switch to the PSR-4 `WpOrg\Requests\...` class names at your earliest convenience. in /nas/content/live/opcfjapan/wp-includes/class-requests.php on line 24